Whenever you need help, DAN is here for you. DAN's responders are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to address any diving emergency such as decompression sickness, arterial gas embolism, pulmonary barotrauma or any other serious diving-related injuries. Specialised diving physician referrals means that you will be put in contact with appropriately licensed medical professionals. We will communicate with those professionals by providing any information that might be needed.
The DAN emergency hotline also serves as the access point to the DAN emergency medical membership benefits. When you are travelling more than 100 km from home and need to access the DAN emergency medical benefits, including medical evacuation and prescription assistance, all you need to do is call the DAN emergency hotline, and we'll help facilitate the help you need.
If your emergency is life-threatening, call the local EMS (or the local equivalent), or get the individual to the nearest medical facility. Medical professionals will be better able to stabilise the person and assess his or her condition. Once the local EMS is activated, call DAN for additional assistance or to consult with the local medical provider.